A grant awarded to graduating senior players and are determined solely on the academic grade point average of the individual requesting a scholarship. Junior golfers desiring to be a candidate for a scholarship must be a graduating senior from high school in the current year, submit his or her high school report card, and scholarship request to the JGA scholarship chairperson by the deadline. The number and amount of the scholarships are determined by the Board of Directors. To be eligible for a scholarship the individual must be an active member of the Junior Golf Association of Broward County and must have participated in a minimum of three (3) JGA tournaments in each of their high school years.

Purdo Scholarship
Awarded to graduating senior player with the highest grade point average.

Awarded to graduating senior girl with the highest grade point average.

A 4-year grant based on qualifications and financial need.
Paid over 2 years $1000 per year.

Christensen Scholarship
Started in 2022 – Awarded to a graduating senior that is matriculating to college and that has demonstrated excellent character, scholarship and athletic success in junior golf
The Christensen family has participated in Broward JGA since the 1980s in a playing, volunteering and philanthropic capacity. We are grateful for the many positive experiences with Broward JGA over the years, how the organization has helped enrich our lives and the many personal and lifelong relationships we have developed because of the organization.
Wendi (Rowe) Christensen was a 1991 recipient of the Carol Mann Award, Thomas Christensen III was a recipient of the 2019 Julius Boros Trophy and the Purdo Scholarship Award, the family was the recipient of the 2020 Armen Boros Family Memorial Award, and most recently, in 2021 Heidi Christensen received the Bedford Scholarship Award, the Lucy Forman Scholarship and the President’s Award.
Wendi (Rowe) Christensen, Thomas Christensen Jr. and Thomas Christensen III are alumni of the University of Florida, and Heidi Christensen is currently an underclassmen at UF.
Through this donation and scholarship, we look forward to helping to carry on the tradition of giving back to the community through the Broward JGA this season by helping one deserving student athlete transition successfully to university.
2024 increased from $1000 to $5000.
How to Apply for a Senior Scholarship
The JGA is proud to offer scholarships to our college-bound players. We are so very proud to be able to help hundreds of junior golfers that have gone on to play in the collegiate and professional ranks.
To apply for a scholarship a senior graduate must submit the following scholarship packet to the JGA Board of Directors:
- An essay stating “What the JGA has meant to you”
- Copy of acceptance letter to the College/Trade School that he/she will be attending
- Student ID for the College/Trade School
- Copy of your transcript or your last Report Card
- Summary of all your Service Hours
Please submit your completed scholarship packet to JGAofBroward@jga.org no later than July 15th, 2024.